"Beauregard and Zeke" is a series of plays about sexual curiosity between gay teenage boys. The first four are written and available on the NPX. Others will be added as they are completed.

Beauregard and Zeke are 16-year-old high school juniors.
Beauregard wears a windbreaker. Zeke wears a denim jacket.

THERE’S AN ORDER TO THESE THINGS (Beauregard and Zeke #1)
2M; 5 minutes
Zeke is curious. He has a question for Beauregard.

WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT? (Beauregard and Zeke #2)
2M; 15-20 minutes
Zeke takes Beauregard to the McDonald's Drive-Thru. They share stuff.
CONTENT WARNING: Sexual content.

AND THIS IS MY ASSISTANT BEAKER (Beauregard and Zeke #3)
2M; 10 minutes
Zeke discovers a new skill. Beauregard appreciates this but has concerns.
CONTENT WARNING: Simulated sexual act.

MISS COCO PERU DOES NOT LIE! (Beauregard and Zeke #4)
2M; 5 minutes
Beauregard and Zeke have a mishap in the back seat of a car.

THINGS DIDN’T COST AS MUCH THEN (Beauregard and Zeke #5)
2M; 10 minutes
Beauregard and Zeke fell asleep in Zeke's bed... and woke up to discover that someone turned off the TV, put a blanket on top of them, and shut off the lights. So much for their relationship being a secret.